

An Excel spreadsheet version of the Technamental Stock Study Worksheet (from Take Stock by Ellis Traub). The original version of this file was created by Jim Thomas and distributed at Yahoo! Groups under TSSW_Excel. The NBN versions below contain customizations.

  • Releases with NBN Customizations:
    • TSSW 2016-10-29 (18b8)
      1. No longer forces estimated Shares Outstanding to be greater than or equal to current shares outstanding.
      2. SSG files are now downloaded over a secure link. In previous releases, passwords were transferred without encryption.
      3. Renamed .xls file to .xlsm.
    • TSSW 2012-06-24 (18b7)
      1. Fixed improper positioning of year check boxes when using Excel 2007 or later.
      2. Fixed address pointer problem when using 64-bit versions of Office.
      3. Angled labels on PERT TTM x-axis so they would not overlay each other.
    • TSSW 2011-08-08
      1. Fixed download.
    • TSSW 2007-10-09
  • Jim Thomas' Original Release:
    • v1.83
      1. Includes Jim's documentation.
      2. Captured on 2019-12-09 just before Yahoo Groups shut down.

Other Spreadsheets

  1. Stock Comparison Guide (2024-06-19)
  2. Portfolio Goal Report (2021-10-17)
  3. PMReports 2006-05-26 (Obsolete)

Manifest Investing

Manifest Investing provides resources for research and portfolio management, as well as coaching to help individual investors learn how to become successful, strategic, long-term investors. To see an example of a Manifest Investing dashboard, click here.


StockCentral provides 10 Years of company data on over 8,000 companies in .SSG file format that can be imported into the TSSW. Membership also includes access to an online stock screener and a stock analysis tool based on Take Stock.

Value Line and Morningstar reports

Many libraries subscribe to Value Line and Morningstar reports, and in most cases reports can be accessed from home through the library's website. Here are a few examples:


FutureSales = CurrentSales * ( 1 + Rate ) ^ Years

CurrentSales (Trailing 12 months) = $354 million
Estimated Sales Growth Rate = 13.0% or 0.130
Years into Future = 4.25
($354 million) * ( 1 + 0.130 ) ^ 4.25 = $595 million

Rate = ( FutureSales / CurrentSales ) ^ ( 1 / Years) - 1

CurrentSales (Trailing 12 months) = $354 million
FutureSales = $595 million
Years into Future = 4.25
( 595 / 354 ) ^ ( 1 / 4.25 ) - 1 = 0.130 or 13.0%
Page last modified on June 19, 2024, at 01:27 PM